Sarah McKeever
Director of Supportive Housing
Sarah McKeever, CEDAC’s Director of Supportive Housing, manages the organization’s supportive housing programs. These programs, which CEDAC administers on behalf of the Commonwealth, provide soft debt to housing developers through the Housing Innovations Fund, Facilities Consolidation Fund, Community Based Housing, Accessibility Affordable Housing Grant, and ARPA funds. Sarah works directly with non-profit borrowers to provide technical assistance, predevelopment and acquisition lending for affordable and supportive housing projects in all stages of the development from initial feasibility to occupancy.
Sarah joined CEDAC in 2005 and has held many roles. She began her work here on the administrative team, closing acquisition, predevelopment, and child care loans, and also worked on portfolio management issues and overall program support. She also previously co-managed the Home Modification Loan Program, which CEDAC administers on behalf of the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission. In that role, she developed and implemented policy and procedural changes and provided training, support and managed contractual obligations with seven regional provider agencies throughout the Commonwealth.
Sarah received a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from Oberlin College.