Home Modification Loan Program
- Overview
- Success Stories & Videos
- How to Apply
- Contact
Over the past 20 years, the Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) has helped over 3,000 households finance home accessibility improvements to make it possible for individuals with disabilities and older adults to remain in their own homes and communities.
Established by the Massachusetts Legislature in 1999, HMLP is a state funded loan program that provides financing to homeowners and small landlords for necessary home modifications such as:
- Ramps and lifts
- Kitchen and bathroom adaptations
- Sensory integration spaces
- Fencing
- Hand rails
- Brighter lighting
- Widening of doorways
- Flooring renovations
- Creation of additional living space, including accessory dwelling units or in-law apartments
Step by Step:
The Home Modification Loan Program
For more information,
please call Susan Gillam at 1-866-500-5599.

Program Materials In Different Languages & Formats:
Learn More About HMLP
Review the HMLP brochure to learn more about the program’s eligibility requirements. Download a list of the regional agencies, who assist applicants throughout the process, or enter your city or town below to be directed to the agency working with applicants in your community. Program information is also available in multiple languages.
HMLP Brochure (English) »
HMLP Provider Agencies »
Download the HMLP Frequently-Asked-Questions and Application. Complete and submit the necessary application.

Applicants are responsible for finding, hiring and managing their chosen contractor. Although the program does not recommend specific contractors, if assistance is needed applicants can contact their regional provider.
HMLP Contractor FAQ (English) »
HMLP Bid Form »
Office of Consumer Affairs Guide to Home Improvement »

Once the HMLP Application is complete, including the completed bid form by the chosen contractor, a program construction monitor will conduct an inspection with the homeowner and contractor. Next the applicant reviews and signs the loan documents.

Once the mortgage is recorded, project funds can be requested by the homeowner. Loan funds are disbursed in increments based on invoices submitted throughout the modification project.