CWC “Sharing Skills ~ Building Connections” Conference 2010

We are pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) will hold the seventh annual Sharing Skills~Building Connections conference on Wednesday, March 10, 2010 at The DCU Center in Worcester, MA. The attached flyer contains more information about the conference. Login to the Member's Portal to register!


CWC SHARING SKILLS~BUILDING CONNECTIONS Conference: Opening Doors to Opportunity: 10 Years and Counting!

We are celebrating the 10th year of the Sharing Skills~Building Connections conference which is designed to provide you with the opportunity to enhance your workforce programs and practices; build connections across the range of provider systems; share skills and experiences; and equip you to better provide employment services to thousands of underemployed and unemployed people … Continue reading CWC SHARING SKILLS~BUILDING CONNECTIONS Conference: Opening Doors to Opportunity: 10 Years and Counting!


Lifting People and Places Out of Poverty: Strategies for Linking Human Capital and Neighborhood Development

This seminar will bring together practitioners from community development, education, affordable housing, public health, public safety and related fields to discuss neighborhood-based efforts to address the interwoven challenges of concentrated poverty and economic mobility. http://www.bostonfed.org/WorkingCities/events/learning-community-seminar-chelsea/index.htm



We are pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) will hold the 13th annual Sharing Skills~Building Connections conference on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge, MA.
