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Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times

The staff of career centers and education and training programs are experiencing high and prolonged stress levels due to increased workloads, decreased resources and desperation on the part of many clients, students and customers, especially the long-term unemployed. This one day training will help participants gain skills to more effectively address the physical, mental and … Continue reading Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times


CONNECT Symposium

Understand the Model, Join the Discussion For those interested in an in depth conversation, join CONNECT in the afternoon for a symposium. From poverty to economic resilience: a look at the challenges facing low-income Massachusetts residents, best practices for supporting individuals on a path to economic security and cost effective models for service delivery in … Continue reading CONNECT Symposium


CHEC’s February Networking Forum: Memory Loss With The Elderly

CHEC's Monthly Networking Forum A monthly informal gathering for Outreach Educators to share outreach tips and experiences, as well as to network with other Outreach Educators and learn about other programs and organizations throughout Boston. A place where Outreach Educators can be re-energized to continue the important and demanding work of reaching out to people … Continue reading CHEC’s February Networking Forum: Memory Loss With The Elderly


Webinar: Sector-Based Approaches to Meeting Workers’ Transportation Needs

This webinar, offered jointly by NNSP and the Joblinks Employment Transportation Center, provides an overview of sector-based employment transportation, focusing on the unique transportation needs of low-wage hospitality workers and service sector employees. Download the announcement for more information.


Boston Networking

Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) is pleased to invite you to attend this networking meeting. Hone your networking skills! Now more than ever, meeting your colleagues and keeping up-to-date with happenings in the field of workforce development is critical to your work. Download the flyer for more information.


CHEC’s Supervisory Skills Workshop

A two part workshop series addressing issues specific to the supervision of outreach education programs. The focus on principle-centered leadership is especially useful in understanding the guidelines of personal and organizational effectiveness. Participants in this workshop will explore ways to support their staff, discover new strategies and techniques to make staff accountable, resolve conflict and … Continue reading CHEC’s Supervisory Skills Workshop


CHEC’s Curriculum Design Workshop

This training is designed to prepare Outreach Educators to outline and develop a workshop that engages their participants in a problem-oriented learning experience. You will leave this training with a blue print on how to develop and write a health education session with clearly defined goals and objectives and activities that will accomplish these goals. … Continue reading CHEC’s Curriculum Design Workshop


Skills2Compete MA Coalition Meeting

Please join the Skills2Compete MA Coalition and Senator Donnelly's chief of staff, Cindy Friedman, for an organizing and update session on efforts to pass the Middle-Skills Solutions Act: Monday, March 26, 2012 9:00 am to 10:30 am Crittenton Women's Union One Washington Mall, 2nd floor Boston, MA 02108 (upstairs from the Planet Fitness in Government … Continue reading Skills2Compete MA Coalition Meeting


The Essentials of Employer Relations

This workshop will help you take a business approach to working with employers: to create stronger relationships with employers and succeed at job matching that meet employer needs and enables your participants to succeed. Learn how to research new employers, create an effective pitch of your services, how to manage a bad placement with an … Continue reading The Essentials of Employer Relations


PUTTING A GENDER LENS ON JOB TRAINING: Strategic Approaches to Ensure Women’s Inclusion in Green Jobs and Other Non-traditional Occupations

This workshop developed by Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) includes… Overview of Benefits, Barriers, and Myths of Women in Non-traditional Occupations Outreach and Marketing to Women - Creating and Delivering Gender Targeted Messages - Conducting Successful Information and Orientation Sessions to Engage Women Assessment Practices: What Works With Women Elements of Effective Training to Prepare … Continue reading PUTTING A GENDER LENS ON JOB TRAINING: Strategic Approaches to Ensure Women’s Inclusion in Green Jobs and Other Non-traditional Occupations

