Disrupting the Poverty Cycle – Crittenton Women’s Union 2nd Annual Conference
Visit their conference website for more information: http://www.liveworkthrive.org/conference/2014/index.html
Visit their conference website for more information: http://www.liveworkthrive.org/conference/2014/index.html
We are pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) will hold the 11th annual Sharing Skills~Building Connections "Pathways to Success" conference on Thursday, May 1, 2014 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge, MA.
CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.
Training runs the month of September; Monday-Wednesday 9am-3:30pm, and Thursday 9am-12:30pm. Visit http://www.mass.gov/elders/civic-engagement/jobs/voc-train-ed-programs/senior-community-service-employment-prog-scsep.html for more information. For more information and to register, call Darlene Dorcas (774) 301-1521.
Training runs the month of September; Monday-Wednesday 9am-3:30pm, and Thursday 9am-12:30pm. Visit http://www.mass.gov/elders/civic-engagement/jobs/voc-train-ed-programs/senior-community-service-employment-prog-scsep.html for more information. For more information and to register, call Linda Kay (413) 499-0524 ext. 104.
CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.
The Commonwealth Workforce Coalition is offering an Offender Employment Specialist Training (OEST) and Certification in partnership with the Hampden County Sherriff âs Departments. This is an intensive three-day training. Participants in the three day training will receive a Certificate of Completion from the National Institute of Corrections, a department the U.S. Department of Justice. Download … Continue reading Offender Employment Specialist Training And Certification, Springfield
CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.
This seminar will bring together practitioners from community development, education, affordable housing, public health, public safety and related fields to discuss neighborhood-based efforts to address the interwoven challenges of concentrated poverty and economic mobility. http://www.bostonfed.org/WorkingCities/events/learning-community-seminar-chelsea/index.htm
We are pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) will hold the 12th annual Sharing Skills~Building Connections "Career Ready: For Today and Tomorrow" conference on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge, MA.
CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.
CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.
Visit http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=7bspm5sab&oeidk=a07ec2vb4m6336346c4 for more information and to register.
CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.
We are pleased to announce that the Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) will hold the 13th annual Sharing Skills~Building Connections conference on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at the Sturbridge Host Hotel & Conference Center in Sturbridge, MA.
CWC is pleased to invite you to our summer meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development! Download Flyer for more information!