Offender Employment Specialist Training And Certification, Springfield

The Commonwealth Workforce Coalition is offering an Offender Employment Specialist Training (OEST) and Certification in partnership with Bunker Hill Community College, MA Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development, New England Center for Homeless Veterans, and the Middlesex and Hampden County Sherriff ’s Departments. This is an intensive three-day training. Participants in the three day … Continue reading Offender Employment Specialist Training And Certification, Springfield


Webinar – Building Basic Skills: Solutions for Sector Partners

In this webinar, NNSP will identify promising strategies employed by sector initiatives nationwide. Then, one of those initiatives, Instituto del Progreso Latino, will describe in more detail their approach to contextualizing basic skills and building bridge programs to help participants access training and advance in their careers. Download the flyer for more information.


West Networking

Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) is pleased to invite you to attend this networking meeting. Hone your networking skills! Now more than ever, meeting your colleagues and keeping up-to-date with happenings … Continue reading West Networking
