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Measuring Business Impact of Workforce Development

How do we know workforce development efforts are successful for employers? Join CommCorp for a presentation and panel discussion at Holy Cross that focuses on the benefits and challenges of measuring business impact of workforce development programs and instruction on how to begin the process. Panelists include members from both workforce development and business. For … Continue reading Measuring Business Impact of Workforce Development


Building an Infrastructure for Quality – Northeastern MA Forum

Please join us for a presentation by the Children’s Investment Fund and discussion of “Building an Infrastructure for Quality: An Inventory of Early Childhood Education and Out-of-School Time Facilities in Massachusetts” Discussion will include: • How facilities support program quality • Current health and safety, learning environment, & adult work space conditions • Capital resource … Continue reading Building an Infrastructure for Quality – Northeastern MA Forum


Introduction to Workforce Development, Lawrence

Understanding the workforce development system can be a daunting challenge. This three hour training provides an introduction to federal, state, and local systems, policies, and funds flows; a picture of Massachusetts' local service delivery systems and stakeholders; and an opportunity to understand more about the nexus of housing stability and job readiness. Download the flyer … Continue reading Introduction to Workforce Development, Lawrence


SkillWorks: Panel Discussion on MA Green Workforce Needs

SkillWorks: Green Collar Career Pathways Initiative invites you to attend a panel discussion on Monday, December 12, 2011 from 8:30 - 11:00 am at The Boston Foundation. A continental breakfast will be provided at 8:30 am and the discussion will begin at 9:00 am. Researchers from three different labor market projects will present on industry … Continue reading SkillWorks: Panel Discussion on MA Green Workforce Needs


Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times

The staff of career centers and education and training programs are experiencing high and prolonged stress levels due to increased workloads, decreased resources and desperation on the part of many clients, students and customers, especially the long-term unemployed. This one day training will help participants gain skills to more effectively address the physical, mental and … Continue reading Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times


Sustaining Your Workforce Program

In tough economic times, sustaining your workforce program is certainly about funding - but given the competition for scarce funds, it's also about having strong and lasting capacity to deliver results to participants and employers and funding sources. This workshop will help you assess the strength of your organization in sustaining your workforce programs from … Continue reading Sustaining Your Workforce Program
