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Central Peer Learning Network Event

CWC is pleased to invite you to our Central Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.


West Peer Learning Network Event

CWC is pleased to invite you to our West Peer Learning Network meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.


Lifting People and Places Out of Poverty: Strategies for Linking Human Capital and Neighborhood Development

This seminar will bring together practitioners from community development, education, affordable housing, public health, public safety and related fields to discuss neighborhood-based efforts to address the interwoven challenges of concentrated poverty and economic mobility. http://www.bostonfed.org/WorkingCities/events/learning-community-seminar-chelsea/index.htm


Southeast Peer Learning Network Event

CWC is pleased to invite you to our winter meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Download the flyer for more information.


Coaching Strategies for College & Career Success

Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC), Skillworks and Boston PIC is pleased to invite you to attend this workshop on Coaching for College & Career. This workshop introduces strategies and tools used by career and academic coaches in the SkillWorks sector projects who work with job seekers and incumbent workers pursuing career advancement. Interactive and hands-on, this … Continue reading Coaching Strategies for College & Career Success


Improving Employer Outcomes

Improving Employer Outcomes is a foundational training for new job developers, employment specialists and those who would like to build their skills in the area of employer relations. The training is an interactive, activity-based session based on the challenges and successes that workforce development professionals face in prospecting for employer leads, selling their employment services … Continue reading Improving Employer Outcomes


Improving Employer Outcomes – Boston

Improving Employer Outcomes is a foundational training for new job developers, employment specialists and those who would like to build their skills in the area of employer relations. The training is an interactive, activity-based session based on the challenges and successes that workforce development professionals face in prospecting for employer leads, selling their employment services … Continue reading Improving Employer Outcomes – Boston


Pathways to Prosperity: Creating Living Wage Jobs in your Community

Join MAPC, the City of Boston, and UNITE HERE Local 26 for a conversation about creating living wage jobs in your community. Register Today! For more information and to register visit https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eaw873ev363825ba&oseq=&c=&ch=
