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Improving Employer Outcomes

Improving Employer Outcomes is a foundational training for new job developers, employment specialists and those who would like to build their skills in the area of employer relations. The training is an interactive, activity-based session based on the challenges and successes that workforce development professionals face in prospecting for employer leads, selling their employment services … Continue reading Improving Employer Outcomes


Improving Employer Outcomes – Boston

Improving Employer Outcomes is a foundational training for new job developers, employment specialists and those who would like to build their skills in the area of employer relations. The training is an interactive, activity-based session based on the challenges and successes that workforce development professionals face in prospecting for employer leads, selling their employment services … Continue reading Improving Employer Outcomes – Boston


Pathways to Prosperity: Creating Living Wage Jobs in your Community

Join MAPC, the City of Boston, and UNITE HERE Local 26 for a conversation about creating living wage jobs in your community. Register Today! For more information and to register visit https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07eaw873ev363825ba&oseq=&c=&ch=


Boston Peer Learning Network Event

CWC is pleased to invite you to our summer meeting. Register today for the opportunity to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development! Download Flyer for more information!

