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Offender Employment Specialist Training And Certification, Springfield

The Commonwealth Workforce Coalition is offering an Offender Employment Specialist Training (OEST) and Certification in partnership with the Hampden County Sherriff ’s Departments. This is an intensive three-day training. Participants in the three day training will receive a Certificate of Completion from the National Institute of Corrections, a department the U.S. Department of Justice. Download … Continue reading Offender Employment Specialist Training And Certification, Springfield


Masscap Job Readiness Train-the-Trainer

The MASSCAP Job Readiness and Employability Development model and curriculum that was piloted in 2009 is being used by many service organizations in Massachusetts in their job training, adult basic education, HomeBase Self-sufficiency, Head Start and other programs. MASSCAP is hosting a training on this research-based model and curriculum on: Thursday, November 20, 2014 10:00 … Continue reading Masscap Job Readiness Train-the-Trainer


Northeast Peer Learning Network Event

Commonwealth Workforce Coalition (CWC) is pleased to invite you to attend this networking meeting. Hone your networking skills! Join us to meet new colleagues and keep up-to-date on happenings in the field of workforce development. Please download the flyer for more information.


Assessing and Evaluating Job Readiness for Adults

This assessment training will focus on soft skills/job readiness assessment processes and tools used in workforce programs for screening and evaluating participants. Download flyer for more details.
