News Archive
Community Development Corporation of South Berkshi...Jul 18, 2018/
Last Tuesday, advocates for creating more affordable housing in Great Barrington received some good news: The Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire closed on the purchase of an 8-acre plot of land at 91...
Community Development Corporation of South Berkshi...Jul 11, 2018/
The Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire has closed on the purchase of an 8-acre site at 910 South Main St. with plans to build 40 to 50 affordable apartments. The site has approximately 2 acres along R...
Affordable Housing Is a Worthy InvestmentJul 02, 2018/
Affordable Housing Is a Worthy Investment By Roger Herzog Special to Banker & Tradesman It’s clear to see the benefits for Massachusetts when the state invests in community development – thousands of affor...
Why Boston Medical Center Is Investing In HousingJun 27, 2018/
Chuck Gyukeri is a Navy vet who was homeless back in 2009, and has been living in subsidized apartments ever since. Now supported by disability benefits and Section 8 vouchers, he lives in a small, street-level apartment...
Brockton nonprofit builds another building for hom...Jun 26, 2018/
The head of Father Bill’s & MainSpring said that the new Montello Welcome Home II project is another step toward adequately addressing the homelessness problem in the city with a “housing first” approach. The t...
Homeless Youth Housing Development Receives Renova...Jun 14, 2018/
MassDevelopment has issued a $3.448 million tax-exempt bond on behalf of Harbor Lafayette Homes Limited Partnership in Salem. The partnership will use bond proceeds to buy and renovate two residential facilities in Sa...
Early education gets another needed boost (Editori...Jun 01, 2018/
The need for a sustained, targeted improvement of Massachusetts early education programs is captured by some disturbing numbers from 2011. According to research done by the Children's Investment Fund, 20 percent of fa...
Governor Baker Signs $1.8 Billion Affordable Housi...May 31, 2018/
BOSTON — Today, Governor Charlie Baker signed An Act Financing the Production and Preservation of Housing for Low and Moderate Income Residents (H.4536), to ensure long-term support for the Baker-Polito Administrat...
Massachusetts Early Education and Out-of-School Ti...May 31, 2018/
BOSTON – Leaders from four leading organizations focused on improving the quality of early education and out-of-school time programs today celebrated the passage of critical funding for the construction and renovation ...
Sisters of Providence break ground on $10M afforda...May 18, 2018/
WEST SPRINGFIELD -- The Sisters of Providence have broken ground on Hillside Residence, a $10 million project to build 36 units of affordable, elder care housing on the 27-acre Providence campus at ...
Brookview House breaks ground on affordable rental...May 17, 2018/
Assembled for last Tuesday groundbreaking for Brookview III were, from left: Roger Herzog, executive director, Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation; Pamela Feingold, senior VP...
UTEC celebrates opening of early-childhood center,...May 17, 2018
LOWELL -- Although Brenda Anderson was excited to get accepted into an employment training program at Massachusetts General Hospital, the news also created a challenge for her: with her limited network, what would she do...