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What’s the Data Telling Us? Using Evaluation to Improve Outcomes

Many organizations in providing workforce development services are seeking new ways to measure the effectiveness of their work, both to make programmatic changes that will heighten their community impact and to make a strong case to funders. This hands-on workshop on the nuts and bolts of evaluating data will help you design and implement an … Continue reading What’s the Data Telling Us? Using Evaluation to Improve Outcomes


Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times

The staff of career centers and education and training programs are experiencing high and prolonged stress levels due to increased workloads, decreased resources and desperation on the part of many clients,students and customers, especially the long-term unemployed. This one day training will help participants gain skills to more effectively address the physical, mental and emotional … Continue reading Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times


Building Your Participants’ Soft Skills

Learn how to strengthen the interpersonal skills of your program participants so that they succeed in your program and in their lives. This interactive training is designed for case managers, counselors, case workers, job developers, employment specialists, instructors and anyone working directly with program participants. Download the flyer for more information.


Introduction to Workforce Development, Lawrence

Understanding the workforce development system can be a daunting challenge. This three hour training provides an introduction to federal, state, and local systems, policies, and funds flows; a picture of Massachusetts' local service delivery systems and stakeholders; and an opportunity to understand more about the nexus of housing stability and job readiness. Download the flyer … Continue reading Introduction to Workforce Development, Lawrence


Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times

The staff of career centers and education and training programs are experiencing high and prolonged stress levels due to increased workloads, decreased resources and desperation on the part of many clients, students and customers, especially the long-term unemployed. This one day training will help participants gain skills to more effectively address the physical, mental and … Continue reading Stress Reduction in the Workplace: Strategies for Challenging Times


Sustaining Your Workforce Program

In tough economic times, sustaining your workforce program is certainly about funding - but given the competition for scarce funds, it's also about having strong and lasting capacity to deliver results to participants and employers and funding sources. This workshop will help you assess the strength of your organization in sustaining your workforce programs from … Continue reading Sustaining Your Workforce Program


Introduction to Workforce Development

Are you trying to start up an education, training, or employment program? Are you trying to improve and existing program? Attend this training to get an overview of the challenges and opportunities facing staff in workforce development programs. This interactive session is especially designed for staff who have attended CWC’s introductory training on the workforce … Continue reading Introduction to Workforce Development


Building Your Participants’ Soft Skills

Learn how to strengthen the interpersonal skills of your program participants so that they succeed in your program and in their lives. This interactive training is designed for case managers, counselors, case workers, job developers, employment specialists, instructors and anyone working directly with program participants. Download the flyer for more information.


The Essentials of Employer Relations

This workshop will help you take a business approach to working with employers: to create stronger relationships with employers and succeed at job matching that meet employer needs and enables your participants to succeed. Learn how to research new employers, create an effective pitch of your services, how to manage a bad placement with an … Continue reading The Essentials of Employer Relations


PUTTING A GENDER LENS ON JOB TRAINING: Strategic Approaches to Ensure Women’s Inclusion in Green Jobs and Other Non-traditional Occupations

This workshop developed by Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) includes… Overview of Benefits, Barriers, and Myths of Women in Non-traditional Occupations Outreach and Marketing to Women - Creating and Delivering Gender Targeted Messages - Conducting Successful Information and Orientation Sessions to Engage Women Assessment Practices: What Works With Women Elements of Effective Training to Prepare … Continue reading PUTTING A GENDER LENS ON JOB TRAINING: Strategic Approaches to Ensure Women’s Inclusion in Green Jobs and Other Non-traditional Occupations

