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Happy Birthday, INSITES!

It’s hard to believe but CEDAC’s blog, INSITES, turns one year old this week.  We’ve been astounded by the positive response we’ve received from so many who are regular readers of the blog.  So thank you all for supporting us!

First, we wanted to share where the name INSITES came from.  More than a year ago, when we were in the process of developing the blog, we came across an old newsletter that CEDAC distributed in the early 1990s.  It was called INSITES, as you may have guessed.  In fact, we even borrowed the typeface from that newsletter for the blog header.  Why is this important?  Because CEDAC has worked to support the community development sector in Massachusetts for four decades, and we wanted to remind ourselves – and you – of the depth and longevity of our work.  And we think it’s still a pretty clever name!

Over the past year, the blog has allowed us to share information about our efforts in developing and preserving affordable housing, supportive housing for vulnerable populations, child care facilities, and workforce development.  As importantly, it has given us the opportunity to share stories about CEDAC staff, non-profit partners, and the families across the Commonwealth impacted by our work.  It has also given us the chance to share our history – and the history of some important community development leaders (many of whom also wear the mantle as CEDAC alumni) – and provide our vision for the future.

We’ve been so pleased by the emails and comments we’ve received since September 2017 from individuals who have read our posts and passed along ideas. As we head into year two of the INSITES blog, we will be sharing content every other week.  We have some exciting posts lined up over the next few months, but if you have ideas you want to share, please feel free to drop us a line at 617-727-5944 or  And stay tuned for more great insights.

Access the full INSITES archive.

Categories: CEDAC, CIF, CWC, HomeMod, Housing, Housing Preservation

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