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EOEA, DHCD, CEDAC, and MassHousing Develop State Resources for Affordable Senior Housing Providers During COVID-19

Dear Owners and Managers of Affordable Senior Housing: We hope that you, your organizations and families are staying safe and healthy as we face the COVID-19 crisis together.  We want to assure you that, despite these unprecedented circumstances, CEDAC continues to support the community by providing funding and technical assistance to non-profit affordable housing deve...

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An Affordable Housing Preservation Celebration: Newcastle/Saranac Apartments

Last Wednesday, August 14th, a diverse group of stakeholders, including advocates, neighborhood residents, community developers, lenders, public officials, and partners at the city and state level, came together to celebrate an important achievement – the preservation of 97 units of affordable housing at Newcastle/Saranac Apartments in Boston’s Lower Roxbury neighborho...

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2018 Data Demonstrates Effective State and City Efforts on Affordable Housing Preservation

Massachusetts preserved the long-term affordability of more than 3,750 units in 25 multifamily rental developments during 2018, according to data released by the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC).   This strong housing preservation performance in 2018 demonstrates the continued impact of the commitment of the Baker-Polito Administration to hou...

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Recovery in the Community: Housing’s Role in Mental Healthcare

The Department of Mental Health (DMH) embraces a community-based approach to treatment and recovery from mental illness, which focuses on the question of how individuals can have more active control over their lives and thrive in their respective communities. DMH’s mission “assures and provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individu...

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Governor Baker Signs $1.8 Billion Housing Bond Bill

Massachusetts is fortunate in that over the last several decades, the Commonwealth has repeatedly demonstrated its commitment to community development in a bipartisan way. On Thursday, May 31st, we saw the most recent example of this support when Governor Charlie Baker signed the $1.8 billion Housing Bond Bill into law. The bill will allow for new capital spending on affor...

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Congratulations and Thanks to Outgoing Undersecretary of Housing Chrystal Kornegay

I would like to offer my congratulations to our current chair of CEDAC’s board of directors, Chrystal Kornegay, on the recent announcement of her appointment as the new executive director at MassHousing. Chrystal has served with distinction for the past three years in the Baker-Polito administration as the Undersecretary of Housing and director of the Department of Housi...

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