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Bidding Farewell to Commissioner Tom Weber and Deputy Commissioner Bill Concannon

This week, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) offers thanks to two state officials who have been extremely important to the creation and successful implementation of the Early Education and Out of School Time (EEOST) Capital Fund: Commissioner Tom Weber and Deputy Commissioner for Administration/Chief Financial Officer Bill Concannon. Bot...

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Recognizing CDCs: Partners in Community Development

Over the past four decades, CEDAC and the Massachusetts CDC movement have literally grown up together. We even share a piece of legislation: Chapter 40H contains both CEDAC’s enabling language, and the definition of a Community Development Corporation. As we look ahead to our 40th anniversary, we’ve taken note that in the past few years, we’ve spent many an evening a...

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Celebrating 40 Years of Community Development in Massachusetts

Welcome to CEDAC’s new blog. We plan to use this platform to share additional news, helpful information and perspectives on important topics. The launch of this blog coincides with a very special milestone for CEDAC – our 40th anniversary year – and we thought we’d take this opportunity to announce an exciting year-long effort to celebrate CEDAC past, present, ...

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