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An In-depth Look Into Extremely Low Income Renters in America’s Central Cities

In today’s blog post, we share a paper written by Bill Brauner, Director of Housing Preservation & Policy at CEDAC, that takes an in-depth look into extremely low income renters in America’s central cities.  The paper explores the importance of affordable housing production and preservation policies and highlights the success of a few cities, led by Boston. CED...

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Celebrating Milestone Work Anniversaries at CEDAC

As CEDAC celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, we are excited to also celebrate several milestone work anniversaries of our dedicated, hardworking team. Today, we hear from two CEDAC staff members: Bill Brauner, Director of Housing Preservation & Policy, and Carolyn Williams, Finance & HR Manager, as they each reflect on their 15 years contributing to CEDAC's ...

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Massachusetts Is Successfully Tackling the “Expiring Use” Housing Problem

March 1st marked an important and somber date in affordable housing preservation – it was the day in which over 1,300 affordable housing units in 15 developments built in the 1970s hit their mortgage expiration date.  This “expiring use” problem stems from the financing of two of the biggest rental development programs in that era – the state 13A program and the f...

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Today’s guest blog is from Vince O’Donnell, who was CEDAC’s Director of Development from 1986 to 2001. During that time, he played a major role in CEDAC’s emergence as a significant driver of the affordable housing preservation mission in Massachusetts. For over 45 years, he has worked with nonprofits, resident organizations and governmental agencies in his afforda...

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