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State-Funded Home Modification Loan Program Surpasses 3,000 Loans

The Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP) recently celebrated an important milestone, surpassing its 3,000th loan. As of June 30th, HMLP has committed a total of 3,195 loans. These loans have helped many Massachusetts residents make essential modifications to their houses that allow their household members with physical and cognitive limitations to remain at home. A sta...

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Looking Back While Thinking Ahead: Celebrating CEDAC’s History

Two years ago, CEDAC launched the INSITES blog in anticipation of an important organizational milestone: our 40th anniversary.  We have enjoyed this opportunity to revisit our history and reflect on the events and the people who have led us to where we are today, and to highlight how community development in Massachusetts has evolved over four decades. This past spring...

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An Affordable Housing Preservation Celebration: Newcastle/Saranac Apartments

Last Wednesday, August 14th, a diverse group of stakeholders, including advocates, neighborhood residents, community developers, lenders, public officials, and partners at the city and state level, came together to celebrate an important achievement – the preservation of 97 units of affordable housing at Newcastle/Saranac Apartments in Boston’s Lower Roxbury neighborho...

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Secretary Kennealy’s #15k4ma Tour Looks at Affordable Housing in the Commonwealth

Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy has just completed a very special tour across the Commonwealth.  Over the course of eight days, he stopped in multiple communities to highlight 28 affordable housing projects in various stages of development across Massachusetts, and by doing so, he has demonstrated why the state remains a national ...

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Baker-Polito Administration Announces $118 Million in Awards to Produce and Preserve Affordable Housing Across the Commonwealth

The highlight of the year for affordable housing production and preservation occurred on July 18th with the announcement of funding awards in the annual rental housing funding round to 28 affordable housing projects in Massachusetts. When Governor Baker signed the $1.8 billion Housing Bond bill last year – the largest the state has ever seen – it was clear that the Bak...

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2018 Data Demonstrates Effective State and City Efforts on Affordable Housing Preservation

Massachusetts preserved the long-term affordability of more than 3,750 units in 25 multifamily rental developments during 2018, according to data released by the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC).   This strong housing preservation performance in 2018 demonstrates the continued impact of the commitment of the Baker-Polito Administration to hou...

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Baker-Polito Administration Awards Funding to Produce and Preserve Supportive Housing Units

CEDAC staff attended an event on May 7th at the Worcester YWCA, where Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announced that the Baker-Polito Administration is awarding funding for the production and preservation of 147 new units of supportive housing in communities across Massachusetts. Lt. Governor Polito was joined by State Senators Harriette Chandler and Michael O. Moore, City Manag...

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Mike Gondek Offers Tribute to Community Development Leader Amy Anthony

In December 2018, former Secretary of the Massachusetts Executive Office of Communities and Development (a precursor to the state’s current Department of Housing and Community Development) Amy Anthony passed away suddenly. We’ve asked Mike Gondek, CEDAC’s former executive director, to share with us why Amy’s commitment was so important to CEDAC and the community de...

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New Survey Tool Offers Insight Into Tenant Outcomes in Permanent Supportive Housing Projects

We are proud to present the final report from our first-ever project survey using the CEDAC Supportive Housing Data Collection (SHDC) Survey Tool. Last year, CEDAC designed and administered this survey in order to understand tenant outcomes in permanent supportive housing (PSH) projects, specifically projects funded through the Department of Housing and Community Develop...

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Recovery in the Community: Housing’s Role in Mental Healthcare

The Department of Mental Health (DMH) embraces a community-based approach to treatment and recovery from mental illness, which focuses on the question of how individuals can have more active control over their lives and thrive in their respective communities. DMH’s mission “assures and provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individu...

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