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New Survey Tool Offers Insight Into Tenant Outcomes in Permanent Supportive Housing Projects

We are proud to present the final report from our first-ever project survey using the CEDAC Supportive Housing Data Collection (SHDC) Survey Tool. Last year, CEDAC designed and administered this survey in order to understand tenant outcomes in permanent supportive housing (PSH) projects, specifically projects funded through the Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) Supportive Housing for Vulnerable Populations rounds.  With an advisory committee that included staff from DHCD, Mass Rehab Commission and the Department of Public Health (DPH), CEDAC hired Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH), a national supportive housing consultant, to assist with survey design, data collection and final report.  The final report offers insight into the impact permanent supportive housing has on housing stability, employment and income, access to community health and social services, with positive outcomes in projects with a wide variety of staffing ratios, housing stabilization strategies, and partnership models.

Read the final report on the survey tool to learn more, and stay tuned in future years as we plan to administer this survey again as our portfolio of PSH projects grows.

Categories: CEDAC, Housing

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