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CEDAC-Sponsored RAD for PRAC Forum on Preserving Existing Affordable Elderly Housing

On October 7, 2019, CEDAC offered a forum that explained how Section 202 owners can use RAD as a preservation tool for their Section 202 PRAC projects.

Speakers included:

  • Tom Davis, Director, Office of Recapitalization, US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
  • Dan Rogers, Chief, Asset Management Division, Northeast Region, HUD
  • Emily Cooper, Chief Housing Officer, Executive Office of Elder Affairs and Special Advisor on Housing, MassHealth
  • Julie Creamer, Senior Vice President, Preservation of Affordable Housing
  • Lizbeth Heyer, Chief of Real Estate and Innovation, 2Life Communities
  • Naren Dhamodharan, President, Hampden Park Capital & Consulting
  • Bill Brauner, Director of Housing Preservation, CEDAC

Section 202 owners are always welcome to contact CEDAC for technical assistance on how to get started with the RAD conversion.

Thank you to our speakers and to all of those who were able to attend. If you couldn’t make it, we invite you to view PowerPoint presentations from the forum below:


HUD experts Tom Davis and Dan Rogers provided a detailed description of the RAD for PRAC notice and the process that Section 202 owners will go through to convert PRAC to Section 8.


Emily Cooper from MA Elder Affairs gave a wealth of resources relating to elder service agencies and programs that can provide services for Section 202 residents.


Julie Creamer walked participants through a tax credit RAD for PRAC transaction in Chicago that POAH is beginning.


Naren Dhamodharan of Hampden Park Capital & Consulting explained how a conversion could work using FHA financing and no tax credits.


We look forward to continuing to work with our partners to preserve this important stock of existing affordable elderly housing.

Categories: CEDAC, Housing, Housing Preservation

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