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Wishing You a Happy New Year

Reflecting on the last twelve months, the housing and community development sector in Massachusetts has accomplished much in our efforts to build strong communities. We are proud of both CEDAC’s contributions and the work of our non-profit community partners. These partners are the backbone of the Commonwealth’s robust community development sector and its achievemen...

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The Tax Reform and Affordable Housing

Congress has approved the tax reform bill and it is anticipated that it will be signed into law by the end of the week, finishing a month of nail biting uncertainty regarding a number of fiscal issues, including several important affordable housing programs. The production and preservation of affordable housing is part of the country’s social safety net for low-income an...

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Today’s guest blog is from Vince O’Donnell, who was CEDAC’s Director of Development from 1986 to 2001. During that time, he played a major role in CEDAC’s emergence as a significant driver of the affordable housing preservation mission in Massachusetts. For over 45 years, he has worked with nonprofits, resident organizations and governmental agencies in his afforda...

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Looking to the West: Pleasant Street, Northampton

At CEDAC, we are committed to strengthening communities around the Commonwealth. While there are many examples that fit the bill, we want to highlight two separate affordable housing developments on the same important block in Northampton because of the significant role that they play in the revitalization of an important section of the City. The City of Northampton has...

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MACDC – 35 Years of Strengthening Community Development Together

On Friday, November 17th, the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations (MACDC) will celebrate its 35th anniversary at an event in Boston. MACDC represents the Commonwealth’s mission-driven non-profit community development organizations, who are “dedicated to working together and with others to create places of opportunity where people of diverse ...

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Celebrating 50 Years of CHAPA

Massachusetts is recognized nationwide for our leadership and innovation in affordable housing and community development. We have built a strong infrastructure for financing, developing and preserving affordable housing – CEDAC plays an important institutional role in making sure that community based developers have the early stage financing they need to make their proje...

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The Six Cs of Supportive Housing Development

On October 5th, Massachusetts’ Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) accepted pre-applications for its Supportive Housing for Vulnerable Populations Round, in which the Commonwealth will allocate capital, operating and supportive services resources through the National Housing Trust Fund (HTF); state capital subsidy funds; and the Massachusetts Rental Vo...

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Looking Back at Our Foundation

Today in a special guest blog, CEDAC’s founding executive director, Carl Sussman, shares how and why CEDAC was established. Before CEDAC, Carl was a Cambridge Institute fellow in the early 1970s, and in the mid and late 1970s, he was active in crafting the state’s community development finance policies. Carl was the executive director of CEDAC for 15 years and played a...

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Recognizing CDCs: Partners in Community Development

Over the past four decades, CEDAC and the Massachusetts CDC movement have literally grown up together. We even share a piece of legislation: Chapter 40H contains both CEDAC’s enabling language, and the definition of a Community Development Corporation. As we look ahead to our 40th anniversary, we’ve taken note that in the past few years, we’ve spent many an evening a...

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Celebrating 40 Years of Community Development in Massachusetts

Welcome to CEDAC’s new blog. We plan to use this platform to share additional news, helpful information and perspectives on important topics. The launch of this blog coincides with a very special milestone for CEDAC – our 40th anniversary year – and we thought we’d take this opportunity to announce an exciting year-long effort to celebrate CEDAC past, present, ...

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