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CEDAC-Sponsored RAD for PRAC Forum on Preserving Existing Affordable Elderly Housing

On October 7, 2019, CEDAC offered a forum that explained how Section 202 owners can use RAD as a preservation tool for their Section 202 PRAC projects. Speakers included: Tom Davis, Director, Office of Recapitalization, US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Dan Rogers, Chief, Asset Management Division, Northeast Region, HUD Emily Cooper, Chief...

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Children’s Investment Fund Offers Hands-on Training for Developing Natural Outdoor Play Spaces

This summer, CEDAC’s affiliate Children’s Investment Fund (the Fund) hosted its "Let's Take It Outside" (LTIO) training on outdoor play spaces at Mass Audubon's Boston Nature Center. The one-day interactive training offered 14 non-profit early childhood education (ECE) and out-of-school time (OST) organizations across Massachusetts an overview on how to successfully u...

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Looking Back While Thinking Ahead: Celebrating CEDAC’s History

Two years ago, CEDAC launched the INSITES blog in anticipation of an important organizational milestone: our 40th anniversary.  We have enjoyed this opportunity to revisit our history and reflect on the events and the people who have led us to where we are today, and to highlight how community development in Massachusetts has evolved over four decades. This past spring...

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CEDAC Staff Shares Technical Expertise on Affordable Housing and Community Development Panels

As a public private community development financial institution, CEDAC’s technical assistance focuses on understanding the interplay between project development and public policy.  CEDAC’s staff includes experienced practitioners in the areas of affordable housing production and preservation, and community facility development serving the early education sector.  We ...

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An Affordable Housing Preservation Celebration: Newcastle/Saranac Apartments

Last Wednesday, August 14th, a diverse group of stakeholders, including advocates, neighborhood residents, community developers, lenders, public officials, and partners at the city and state level, came together to celebrate an important achievement – the preservation of 97 units of affordable housing at Newcastle/Saranac Apartments in Boston’s Lower Roxbury neighborho...

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Secretary Kennealy’s #15k4ma Tour Looks at Affordable Housing in the Commonwealth

Massachusetts Secretary of Housing and Economic Development Mike Kennealy has just completed a very special tour across the Commonwealth.  Over the course of eight days, he stopped in multiple communities to highlight 28 affordable housing projects in various stages of development across Massachusetts, and by doing so, he has demonstrated why the state remains a national ...

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Baker-Polito Administration Announces $118 Million in Awards to Produce and Preserve Affordable Housing Across the Commonwealth

The highlight of the year for affordable housing production and preservation occurred on July 18th with the announcement of funding awards in the annual rental housing funding round to 28 affordable housing projects in Massachusetts. When Governor Baker signed the $1.8 billion Housing Bond bill last year – the largest the state has ever seen – it was clear that the Bak...

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Fostering Continued Collaboration for Worcester CDCs

In partnership with the Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) and Clark University, CEDAC launched a series of workshops with community development corporations (CDCs) in Worcester in order to develop a shared agenda for continued City and State investment in affordable housing projects. We recently completed the second year of these workshops, with topics derived from e...

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Bidding Farewell to Commissioner Tom Weber and Deputy Commissioner Bill Concannon

This week, the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) offers thanks to two state officials who have been extremely important to the creation and successful implementation of the Early Education and Out of School Time (EEOST) Capital Fund: Commissioner Tom Weber and Deputy Commissioner for Administration/Chief Financial Officer Bill Concannon. Bot...

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2018 Data Demonstrates Effective State and City Efforts on Affordable Housing Preservation

Massachusetts preserved the long-term affordability of more than 3,750 units in 25 multifamily rental developments during 2018, according to data released by the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation (CEDAC).   This strong housing preservation performance in 2018 demonstrates the continued impact of the commitment of the Baker-Polito Administration to hou...

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